
11/2 session recap

Rhin protected Ooglock with a spell to ward against further vampiric draining, and the party pressed deeper into the lair. Rockaneeshoo cast a spell to allow him to track vampires, and the party followed them into a chamber filled with mist. After speculating about the nature of the mist, theories were laid to rest when six vampire orcs formed out of the mist, and started attacking. Ooglock and Hrir became weak under the influence of a couple of spells, and Urgmob nearly had his collarbone broken in two places as a vampire pounced upon him.

Urgmob fired arrow after arrow imbued with scorching ray at his target, but wasn't having much effect. Ooglock slammed into one and started hacking on it with his reduced strength. It retaliated by casting a few spells, and it eventually dispelled Ooglock's death ward. Ooglock then took another hit from an enervation ray, dropping him to nearly half of his original vigor. Rockaneeshoo immediately made mirror images of himself, and was quickly hit with magic missiles to reduce that number. One of the vampires responded with his own mirror images and attacked Hrir. Hrir waded back to assist Urgmob, and tripped his foe. The vampire faded into mist upon contact with the ground, however, and merely re-formed on the next round to attack again.

Rockaneeshoo disintegrated one vamp with a green ray, and imprisoned another against the edge of the chamber with a conjured wall of iron. The entire time, Rhin was casting positive energy spells to heal the party and simultaneously hurt the orc vamps. Their skin boiled off, leaving angry, blackish-red meat beneath. But the vampires weren't defeated yet.

Rhin finally went over and cast a Heal spell on a troublesome vamp, turning it instantly into a red mist. Ooglock finished off his opponent, and the one that Hrir kept tripping finally stayed in mist form. The one that Rockaneeshoo had imprisoned freed himself and appeared behind Rockaneeshoo, hissing threats. The threats were hollow, however, as none of the attacks hit, and Rockaneeshoo escaped unharmed. A final beam found it's mark on Rock, however, and he lost a few levels to enervation before the party surrounded and beat down the last vampire.

Standing in a room filled with the mist form of vampires, Rockaneeshoo immediately started casting walls of stone and iron to cover all three entrances. This trapped the vampire mist inside, but also trapped Hrir outside. To remedy this, Rockaneeshoo dimension door'd outside the chamber, grabbed Hrir, and dimension door'd right back into the chamber. As they stepped through the dimensional rip, it grew wider and wider. The room dissolved around the party, immersing them in a silvery grey haze with no gravity and no obvious source of light. The vampire mist slowly started to disperse, and the party noticed a group of Gith skirmishing only about 60 feet away. Fearing the worst, Rockaneeshoo Wished that the party was back on it's home plane. Almost instantly, the party appeared upon a sandy hilltop near sunset. The vampire mists were still there, but almost immediately dissapated in the natural sunlight. The Gith were also still with the party, and they readied their weapons for combat...

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