
10/26 session recap (no xp yet)

Rhin and Urgmob cleaned up the rug of holding, clearing the remains of their late orc follower. The party then teleported to the desert using the teleportation circle. The then flew and rode phantom steeds to the city of Mugron, and contacted Captain Skoluk before they arrived. He met them at the gate and let them into the city. All of the party were disguised as orcs, except for hrir, who just drew angry glares.

Skoluk took the party to an inn and explained that of the nine original orc clans, only eight remained. All of the nobles had retreated from the public eye, except for two families. Skoluk also said that some of the troops he had known before seemed more obedient, more fanatical towards their clans than he'd known them to be before.

The party told Skoluk to gather his troops outside one of the two nobles who had been seen recently. When this happened, the party stormed the roof of the compound using magic flight and dropped down into a courtyard. They slew a few guards on the way to the noble's living quarters, and then decapitated all four of them, including two helpless women. They fought through some more guards until it became clear the nobles had fallen, and then the troops stopped fighting. Ooglock emerged from the compound with two severed heads and said, "All hail Skoluk!"

While the orcs were regrouping, the party assaulted the second noble house. Resistance was tougher, but not enough to keep the nobles safe. All six were slain.

Since things were going so well, the party pushed on to the third compound. They encountered stiff resistance from the guards, and none of them backed down like in the previous compounds. The sleeping quarters of the nobles were unoccupied, and there was nowhere left to search except for a passageway leading deep into the cliff walls. The air turned cool and moist, and mist swirled in the halls. Siala discovered a pit trap and disabled it. Then, as the party split at a T-intersection, they were attacked from both sides. Orcs with large fangs and pale skin attacked without weapons, and Ooglock was battered by their cold, unyielding fists. He cut down a few, and they disintegrated into mist. Hrir was undamaged by his attackers. Tripping them, he then hewed into them with his axe until they too disintegrated into mist. Siala turned into a dragon, blocking the passage somewhat, but Rhin made it foward enough to announce that these were not orcs, but vampires. Ooglock swayed a bit, but said he was alright. The party pushed on deeper into the orc/vampire lair...

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