
4/13 session recap

The party finished making its magic items, including Five Good Reasons and Enli's Cauldron of Culinary Catharsis (aka magic pot). Rockaneeshoo cranked out a couple of pairs of goggles too. Urgmob hired the local brewer and his cousin to run his bar while he's away. Cousin Skorvalk haggled for 18% of the profits and got it.

Finally, the party got underway, and teleported to the desert. They marched for about 5 hours through blistering heat, driven sand, and chafing armor. A Sandstorm came up, and Rockaneeshoo conjured himself a phantom steed to carry him above the storm. Enli called upon the power of knowledge to divert the winds and create a pocket of calm amidst the raging winds. This lasted for about two hours, then the winds came back. The party eventually consented to accepting a Wind Walk from Rhin, and they flew above the streaming sand for another two hours.

The sandstorm let up around nightfall, and it was at this point that someone mentioned that the party had seriously overshot the last known position of the desert patrol. Undaunted, the party flew on into the night until the desert city became visible. The party landed and Rockaneeshoo conjured a door leading into a magnificent mansion. Enli created a feast for everyone, and Rockaneeshoo introduced their "servants", including a vampiress, an odd dragon/elf/dwarf with four arms , a shaved hobgoblin female, and a mandril (the ape). After an all-day rest, the party packed up and started marching again.

A few hours into the trip, Urgmob spotted some movement ahead. Much later, he saw that it was a patrol of orcs. The party made a campfire and waited for them. Hrir, Rockaneeshoo, and Davinov were under the cover of an invisbility spell. Urgmob was on top of a nearby rock, also invisible. Rhin and Enli were the only ones visible as the orcs approached in a spread out and enveloping formation. As they drew close, Hrir shouted out to Tulgus to give him strength, and there was a sound of a hammer striking metal. This prompted the rearmost orcs to quickly cast defensive spells. The situation immediately devolved into combat.

Rockaneeshoo teleported himself and Davinov directly behind the non-armored spellcaster. Orcs immediately converged upon them, and the caster tried to turn Rockaneeshoo to stone. Davinov slew the caster in one round while the rest of the party started dealing damage to the other orcs. Rockaneeshoo dropped an Acid Fog on the orcs surrounding him and Davniov, and then re-positioned behind the armored caster. The caster caused Davinov's sword to fall from his grasp, and Rock was suddenly siezed from behind by strong arms of rock and sand. A huge earth elemental had partially emerged in order to grapple him. Rock teleported away to help with the portion of the battle closer to the campfire. Meanwhile Urgmob was dropping lethal shafts from his bow into the orcs. One climbed up to confront him, but he threw the bands of Bilarro at him, immobilizing the would-be attacker. Rhin was involved in a lengthy grappling battle with an orc while Enli fought another. Hrir buffed himself for a few rounds, and then commenced pounding on the hapless orcs. Enli conjured an earth elemental, which then smashed the orc attacking him.

Eventually, all of the orcs were slain or routed, but the sand elemental had traveled underground to pursue Rockaneeshoo and grapple him again. Using his last teleport, Rock escaped and slew the fleeing orcs with a few well-placed fireballs. Enli ordered his earth elemental to pursue the other elemental.

(to be continued...)

1 comment:

Hokey said...

"a few rounds," eh? i think maybe i'll learn how to quicken my spells so i can spend less time with that mumbo jumbo.