
3/30 session recap and awards (sorta)

(from the players' retelling of the events)
The party was under siege by an enraged green dragon that was periodically wiping out patrols of hobgoblins on the edge of Oriv. On the last of these attacks, the dragon demanded that a pile of loot be brought to a clearing 3 miles to the east at noon the following day, or else he'd destroy the entire town and everyone in it.

Enli was the first to figure it out. Ibenaikad spoke to him unbidden, saying "Lo, the dragon seeks to trick thee, and thou shouldst lay an ambush for him here in town." So rather than packing up tons of cash and spare magic items into makeshift sacks, and hauling the loot out to the designated spot, the party instead prepared a surprise for their enemy.

Noon came, and all was ready. As Enli had predicted, the dragon swooped down into the town, believing that the party would be gullible enough to fall for it's simple trick. It landed on the roof of the library once again and started smashing in the third floor. Allison screamed in fear, but the party held itself in readiness, lulling the dragon into thinking it was succeeding. Then suddenly they sprang into action!

Enli buffed the entire party with a Holy Aura, and Hrir protected everyone from acid. Rhin drew the dragon's attention for two full rounds by firing scorching beams of light at it while taunting it in the open. The dragon, befuddled and in pain, swooped down only to have Rhin nimbly step out of its way. At this point, Hrir leaped from the ground onto the dragon's back and started hewing away with his axe at the scales and sinews of the neck. Startled and in fear for its life, it took to the skies, with Hrir still clinging on. Urgmob stepped from invisbility and poured an unending rain of arrows at the scaly belly of the rising dragon. Most of the arrows struck true, but it wasn't enough to get through the thick armor. Enli solved this problem by pointing a Destruction spell at the dragon. Scales and skin withered and fell off, revealing the a soft, defenseless target. Urgmob's very next arrow went true. It blew clean through the dragon, rupturing it's heart and exploding out the back, narrowly missing Hrir and covering him with dragon blood. As the dragon fell from the sky, Hrir drove his axed deep into the back of the dragon's skull, and used it as a joystick to fly the dragon down. The dragon crashed headfirst into a stone wall on the outskirts of Oriv, and Hrir somersaulted effortlessly over it to land in a crouch on the far side.

Deciding that this was an excellent spot to build their bar, the party reconstructed the building around the dragon head, and Rhin animated the dragon enough for it to become the inn's mascot. Urgmob was named Urgmob Dragonkiller by Chief Keggrok Half-ear, and the rest of the party granted chieftain status. Nubile virgins of appropriate racial preference appeared as if by magic, and a party of legendary size commenced.

The party then tracked down the dragon's lair and found over 2 million platinum pieces, several vorpal weapons, and two of the artifacts that Jiyoomenath has been looking for.

Everyone in the party expects to get 14,275 xp from this encounter.

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