
11/9 session recap

The party was faced with a dozen Gith from the astral plane. Rockaneeshoo sized up the situation, found that he had exhausted his high-level magical spells, and fainted dead away. Ooglock didn't wait for instructions and charged into a group of four Gith. Thus the battle began.

Urgmob unleashed his usual barrage of arrows, Hrir buffed himself and readied his axe, and Rhin stepped forward and attempted to magically command the Gith. They appeared unaffected, and Siala cast an entagle spell at their feet.

Four Gith stepped gracefully from the entanglement and tried to beat down Rhin with their swords. The remaining Gith stepped easily aside as well, drew a deep breath, and spat acid upon Hrir and Urgmob. Siala dodged the acid and magically confused an attacker, causing him to babble incoherently for a few seconds. Rhin unleashed unholy energy upon his attackers, wounding most of them horribly, while Hrir hacked at the nearest one, and Urgmob fired more arrows. None of Urgmob's spells seemed to affect their targets, including a grease spell fired at their feet.

Rhin retreated just a bit towards Urgmob, and Hrir stepped in to take his place. A humming sound filled the vicinity as four Gith surrounded Hrir and raised their swords. The blades slashed downward, and Hrir was hit through his armor. More attacked Siala in the same way, and the others breathed acid upon Rhin. The party felled two Gith, but the rest were still attacking. Siala also found that her attackers could see her even when invisible.

Siala finished off one with a flanking attack and a vampiric touch, and Hrir hacked down another one. One of Urgmob's target's collapsed with an arrow through his side, and Siala killed another one. The ones attacking Siala and Rhin in melee realized that they were not doing any damage, and fell back to spit more acid. Siala deftly evaded the spittle, but Rhin was melted on the spot. He crumpled to the ground, a mere pile of goo and equipment.

One of the Gith seized the opportunity and leapt upon Rhin's gear, disappearing as he did so. Most of the bulky items disappeared with him, but smaller items remained behind, including the adamantine bracer. The remaining Gith fought and breathed more acid, nearly melting Hrir into a dwarven puddle. Siala and Urgmob felled their opponents, and Hrir stepped back to heal himself. The lone remaining Gith took a step back and said something in a strange language that only Siala could understand. He then stepped into a a silvery grey portal and disappeared. But instead of winking out of existence, the portal remained hanging in the air.

Ooglock returned badly wounded from his fight, but he had managed to kill all four opponents by himself. As the party gathered equipment, everyone noticed a slight breeze heading into the open portal. Hrir was still winded from his encounter with the vampires, and said that he was unable to return them to Oriv through the power of Tulgus. Urgmob suggested that if the party merely walked due south, they'd come across Oriv in just a few days. No one believed him. So a makeshift camp was set up, and the party settled in for the night.

As a final note : All of Rhin's equipment was put into the rug of holding. The party expects he'll be wanting it all back relatively soon.

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