
11/16 session recap

The party rested for an evening in a magical house conjured by Rockaneeshoo. Ooglock was still feeling poorly, as were most of the party, so they rested for most of the day as well. During the day, a small group of humans approached the party's house. They wore simple clothes and linen cloaks. Siala, disquised as a halfling, went out to speak with them. They asked if she needed assistance, and she said that no, she was a ranger who was merely reveling in the vast wilderness. They said that they were followers of Taphallam, and were heading back to their monastery in the nearby town. They said that perhaps they would see her when she stopped in for supplies, and that she was welcome to visit their temple.

Urgmob spent the day hunting for food and ignoring Ooglock, and finally came back with a large fox-like creature for dinner. Hrir finally felt well enough, and spoke a holy word of recall to transport the party back to Oriv. Upon arrival, the party asked Enli what he knew of Rhin's condition. Enli said to put him in the temple until he got better in a week or two. When asked about the possibility of Rhin posessing another body, living or dead, Enli said that wouldn't happen unless someone actually wore the phylactery for a significant amount of time. He also speculated that anyone who did such a thing would end up insane. Insane and with the powers of a liche.

The party then geared up again, and headed back to Mugron. The city had an eerie quiet about it, and only an occasional humanoid peeked from doorway or window. Siala noticed that one of the humanoids was gith. The party stopped and sent Ooglock forward to "negotiate" with the gith. Speaking in orc while drawing his axe, Ooglock approached and said that he wanted to speak. The gith in turn drew his sword and spit acid at Ooglock. Ooglock attacked, and the gith telekinetically threw Ooglock all the way back to the party. When they looked again, the gith had disappeared back into the dwelling.

Contacting Skoluk, the party found that he was still alive and holed up in an inn in the common section of town. Rockaneeshoo cast a spell to locate Skoluk more accurately, and Siala snuck in to the place to get them to remove the barricade in front of the door. The orcs let the party in, and Skoluk asked what kind of horror they had unleashed on the city. Apparently several hours after the party had gone into the third noble house, gith had poured out and slaughtered many orcs. A house to house battle had taken shape, and now pockets of orcs were holed up in various places, as were the gith.

Curious as ever, the party went back to the last noble house they had visited. Siala and Urgmob tiptoed in, invisibly, and encountered a gith guard in the corridor. He heard them, and then was able to see them. He spoke briefly with Siala, and when offered an alliance, he said that wasn't possible, and that they must fight. A combat developed and was quickly ended, with the gith dead, and Siala and Urgmob nearly untouched. The party decided to regroup before heading in...

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