
6/22 recap and 6/15 - 6/22 xp awards

The next step, the party decided, was to rest up and return to the dragon's lair, hopefully to find Hrir's armor. They geared up, used the teleport circle to get to the desert at dusk, and then teleported back to the room where they'd had their last encounter with the orcs. A quick search indicated that any remaining orcs had packed up quickly and left. All that remained were a few loose pieces of change and a piece of orc sketch-porn.

Heading further down the shaft, the party came across another passageway. Siala investigated a bit, and found two locked doors at the end. Deftly picking one of the locks, she discovered a tall room that was otherwise unremarkable. The rest of the party summoned her back before she could continue, however, and they headed further down the shaft to the bottom. Hrir created a spiral wall of stone to complete the ramp's descent.

At the bottom was a large cave filled with water and a central sandbar. In the gloom, no one could see out very far over the water. Enli and Siala flew out to investigate how far the cave went, and discovered a ledge that had three sleeping blue dragons on it! Enli immediately cast True Sight on himself, and was therefore able to see that only one of the dragons was real. In response to the scrutiny, the real dragon breathed a line of lightning at the two of them.

Combat ensued. The dragon's tactics seemed to be mostly flyby attacks with the occasional wing buffet or bite. It breathed every few rounds, and cast a few spells, but was somewhat hampered by the close quarters. It was dimensionally anchored pretty early on, keeping it from teleporting away. The entire party had prepared themselves with Freedom of Movement, and so none were able to be grappled. Enli unleashed Destruction on the dragon twice, burning and shriveling scales each time, but failing to utterly destroy it. Several Flamstrikes hit it, but most glanced harmlessly aside. The dragon was having some difficulty picking targets, for the ones that were doing the most damage were either protected by mirror images, or were unable to be grappled.

Siala transformed into a dragon herself, and picked up Urgmob and Davinov, in an attempt to ferry them around. Davniov nearly lost bladder control, seeing a dragon swoop down on him like that, but he managed to contain himself. Rockaneeshoo sealed the exit shaft with a Wall of Force at about this point too.

After a few more breath attacks, the dragon flew to the far dark side of the lake, out of sight of the party. After a few rounds of quiet, the dragon reared out of the water, blasting the party with more lightning. It was no longer glowing green. Rockaneeshoo responded by summoning a Solid Fog around it. The casters heard the dragon cast Teleport. Hrir charged into the cloud, and smacked into a beholder just opening it's main eye. Hrir dropped out of the air, and the rest of the party blasted the floating eye into char quickly.

Not knowing where the dragon was, Rhin and Siala started searching the treasure for the armor (which Rhin had located using Discern Location). There were a couple of piles of stuff under tarps, and a few chests. Rhin pointed to one of the tarp piles, and Siala tore into it with her dragon claws. Soon the armor was uncovered. As soon as it was in hand, Rhin cast Word of Recall, teleporting himself and Siala back to Oriv.

The dragon raised up out of the water again to breathe lightning on the party, and was met with another dimensional anchor and another solid fog. Hrir charged in again, and was this time able to strike true. The dragon fell, slain after only a round or two of concerted damage from the party.

We leave the party separated at the end of the session, with Siala and Rhin in Oriv with a bit of treasure, and the rest of the party in the pit, with a lot more treasure and a dead dragon.

Everyone receives 750xp for the encounter two weeks ago, including negotiations with the devils and the capture of one of the remaining orcs. For this past session, everyone gets 1700 xp for defeating the dragon. This brings the totals to:

Urgmob : 126,960 (16th)
Rhin : 116,160 (15th)
Rockaneeshoo : 143,136 (17th)
Enli : 148,050 (17th)
Siala : 99,650 (14th)
Hrir : 116,107 (15th)

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