
5/25 session recap and xp awards

After healing Urgmob, the party returned to their previous campsite. Hrir's armor was not there, and dragon prints were visible on the ground. A single elemental was there, and it attempted to leave. It was held by a spell, and the party beat it down with a combination of attacks and spells. The party then rested again as night fell.

Enli divined the location of the dragon's lair, and the party set out via wind walk and phantom steed. They spotted the camp at around mid-day. It appeared to be several low stone structures and a sleeping blue dragon. The party landed about a mile away and prepared for combat.

Most of the party readied actions, and Rockaneeshoo teleported them next to the dragon. Hrir attempted a power attack, but merely drove his axe through the illusion of the dragon, and into the sand. Spells started flying, and the party cast a few dispel magics. Enli cast True Seeing on himself and announced that they were surrounded by orcs. Rhin cast Locate Object (as did Rockaneeshoo) and learned that Hrir's armor was somewhere below the party, off to one side. Some of the stone structures disappeared when dispelled, revealing orcs. A central pit was also revealed. Urgmob was foiled in most of his attempts to shoot at the enemy, for several of the casters had put up wind walls. Rockaneeshoo sealed off the pit with a wall of force, just to make sure that no one came up out of it. And then the party began to give the orcs hell.

After the casters were finished off, the party mopped up the remaining orcs. They even managed to capture one of the orc clerics with a well-placed Reverse Gravity spell.

Everyone gets 1000xp for this session, except for Siala, who was on the sidelines.

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