
5/25 session recap and xp awards

After healing Urgmob, the party returned to their previous campsite. Hrir's armor was not there, and dragon prints were visible on the ground. A single elemental was there, and it attempted to leave. It was held by a spell, and the party beat it down with a combination of attacks and spells. The party then rested again as night fell.

Enli divined the location of the dragon's lair, and the party set out via wind walk and phantom steed. They spotted the camp at around mid-day. It appeared to be several low stone structures and a sleeping blue dragon. The party landed about a mile away and prepared for combat.

Most of the party readied actions, and Rockaneeshoo teleported them next to the dragon. Hrir attempted a power attack, but merely drove his axe through the illusion of the dragon, and into the sand. Spells started flying, and the party cast a few dispel magics. Enli cast True Seeing on himself and announced that they were surrounded by orcs. Rhin cast Locate Object (as did Rockaneeshoo) and learned that Hrir's armor was somewhere below the party, off to one side. Some of the stone structures disappeared when dispelled, revealing orcs. A central pit was also revealed. Urgmob was foiled in most of his attempts to shoot at the enemy, for several of the casters had put up wind walls. Rockaneeshoo sealed off the pit with a wall of force, just to make sure that no one came up out of it. And then the party began to give the orcs hell.

After the casters were finished off, the party mopped up the remaining orcs. They even managed to capture one of the orc clerics with a well-placed Reverse Gravity spell.

Everyone gets 1000xp for this session, except for Siala, who was on the sidelines.


Urgmob Lives!

Urgmob gives a single cough, which dislodges a wad of blood and sand from his lungs, and then he takes a ragged breath. When his pulse is checked, it's weak, but he's alive. Urgmob is at -9 hp, but has stabilized due to the clotting power of fine sand particles and the cauterizing effect of high-temperature lightning.

(Mike made a mistake. A dragon taking a move action and a standard action would not be able to bite, breath, and fly all in the same round. Therefore Urgmob was really only breathed on, and not bitten. And Mike is taking GM's perogative in saying that Urgmob is still alive. Numbers be damned.)


5/18 session recap and xp awards

Having finally captured an orc prisoner, the party interrogated him. Inky plucked out one of his eyes, and then the questions started. He said that they were heading north to the secret location, where it wsa rumored the devils were. The nobles apparently are the only ones allowed to be officers, and they are also the spellcasters. They tend to carry the rods that control sand elementals. He didn't know exactly where the secret location was. He was able to identify the troll and officer in the room that Rockaneeshoo barely escaped. When asked why they should keep him alive, he didn't have a good answer, but tried to say that he'd speak for them when they got close. The party didn't think that was a good idea. Rather than simply execute him, they let him free, allowed him to arm himself again, and then duel Hrir.

After slaying the orc, the party set off searching for the hidden location again. Enli prayed to Ibenaikad for guidance, and found out that the troll was back in the city of Mugron, to the south. The rest of the party confirmed this information by asking their orc henchman in the rug of holding. The party also humiliated the orc further by making him answer to various names such as Poindexter and Mary. Matt also was trying to provoke the GM into revoking his breathing privileges.

Enli used Speak with Dead on the latest orc spellcaster, and learned very little about the secret camp in the desert, only that the party was nearing it's location, it was guarded by about 60 orcs, and that the Habergeon of Conquering Might was located there.

The party searched again, using Locate Object to help speed things. But they were unable to see the secret location from the air. They camped for the day in Leomund's Tiny Hut, and Siala disguised it again as a sand dune. During the late afternoon/evening, Rhin noticed something that looked like a bird on the horizon. But then he noticed that the encampment was now surrounded by 4 large hills of sand that had just risen on their own. He spent several rounds waking up the party, yet the hills didn't move any more.

All of a sudden, a blue dragon appeared in the air near the hut, and homing in on the area bracketed by the sand elementals, cast Evard's Black Tentacles almost directly in the middle of the encampment. Davinov was the first to scramble free of the spell, but was then immediately picked up by the dragon and carried off. Fearing the worst, Rockaneeshoo teleported on top of the dragon and cast Otto's Irresistable Dance on it. The dragon immediately grounded himself and performed a tap dance, crushing and breaking Davinov's body in the process.

Rockaneeshoo regrouped with the party after disintegrating a hole in the dragon's wing, and as it swooped back for another pass, he teleported the entire party just above the swooping dragon. As it rapidly swept by them, several things happened. Hrir attempted to catch hold as it flew rapidly underneath him, but failed and tumbled to the ground, getting a serious mouthful of sand. Rhin floated gracefully down (featherfall) and cast a Flamestrike that failed to affect the dragon. Urgmob deftly grabbed hold, stored his bow, drew his dagger, and made a stab that skittered off the dragon's scales. Enli, Rockaneeshoo, and Siala were all able to keep their positions in the air.

The dragon was not amused by this tactic, and decided to dislodge its remaining attacker. Craning its neck around, it bit Urgmob and breathed a blast of lightning into his face. Urgmob's lifeless and scorched body tumbled from its back and plowed into the sand below.

Rockaneeshoo cast Solid Fog to hide them from the dragon as it flew away, and then put up a Wall of Force to keep the dragon from simply swooping through the fog. As the dragon circled for a better angle, the party regrouped, gathered their fallen comrades, and collected the dropped weaponry of the slain. Hrir called for a general retreat, and Rockaneeshoo teleported the entire party back closer to Mugron.

Will Urgmob and Davinov be returned to life? Will the party find the secret base in the desert? Tune in next time to find out!

Everyone receives 1500 xp for encounters and roleplaying, and Urgmob (should he be raised) will receive an extra 100xp for being the first to say how the dragon was able to find the party.

5/11 xp awards (finally)

After crunching numbers for hours on end, it turns out that everyone gets 1500xp for the 5/11 session.


5/11 session recap (no awards yet)

The party packed up their things (after yet another Hero's Feast) and headed north as clouds, hoping to pick up the trail of some more orcs. After several hours of flight, they came upon the trail of yet another platoon. Realizing that they hadn't gathered much intelligence about *where* the orcs were heading up north, the party decided on another parley attempt. They grounded and started following the orcs until they got within about a half mile. Eventually the orcs noticed, and sent two warriors back to check out the party.

Seeing only a rag-tag group consisting of a mute orc, a half-dwarf, a half-orc, and a talkative goblin, they opted for their standard bullying conversational tactics. Siala was invisible and detecting thoughts on the orc spokesperson while Enli spoke for the party. The orcs asked what the party was doing, and Enli said they were following them, that they were lost. The orc laughed and said to stop following them. Enli said they were out of food and water, could the orcs help them. The orcs said it wasn't their problem. When Enli accepted defeat so easily, they pushed their advantage, and declared that they'd take Enli as a slave. With the entire party in agreement, Enli said sure he'd go with them. Siala detected that the orcs might want to simply eat the goblin, since they hadn't had fresh food in a while. The orcs gestured, and a sand elemental picked up Enli and carried him back to the main body of orcs.

The leader of the orcs seemed somewhat impatient at the turn of events, and attempted to cast a spell on Enli. Enli shrugged it off, wriggled free of the elemental's grip (using Freedom of Movement), and then realized what shit he was in. Enli bolted for it, but was hit from behind by a Flesh to Stone spell. As the rest of the party watched in horror mixed with glee, the leader commanded the sand elemental to bury Enli's statue.

The party decided they had to attack after this affront. After some preparation and random running around, the entire group was teleported by Rockaneeshoo into the middle of the orcs. Rockaneeshoo summoned an earth elemental to "find Enli". Spells were cast, and weapons were swung. Urgmob and Rockaneeshoo nearly took out the enemy spellcaster with a combination of arrows and magic missiles, but before they could finish him off, he teleported away. Afraid that the spellcaster's rod was the only way to get Enli back, Rockaneeshoo made a Wish. He wished he was behind the spellcaster that just teleported away. [-5000 xp]

Meanwhile, the rest of the party mopped up the orcs. One was taken prisoner in the Bands of Bilarro. One of the enemy clerics put up a good fight, summoning a Blade Barrier and Wind Wall to protect himself from Siala's onslaught of sneak attacks. In the end he succumbed to Rhin's death magic.

Rockaneeshoo found himself behind the spellcaster, and immediately killed him with a quickened set of Magic Missiles. The orc's blood sprayed all over the other orc he was speaking to, and before his body could hit the floor, Rockaneeshoo had bent down to pick up the rod of Sand Elemental Control. Unfortunately, the armored troll in the room was alert to the disruption, and attacked immediately. Rockaneeshoo was clawed three times, rent nearly in twain, and then grappled and impaled upon the armor spikes of the troll. Just as the troll was about to bite his head off, Rockaneeshoo uttered the words to the Teleport spell, and escaped back to Inky.

The earth elemental came up to Rockaneeshoo and said, "found him". Rockaneeshoo them made his way into the middle of the battle site and used the rod of control to summon the sand elemental. He commanded it to bring him the statue of Enli. 30 seconds later, Enli was deposited upon the sand in front of the party. Rhin broke the enchantment, and Enli shot forward, still running. Once he realized that the battle was over, he rejoined the group to loot and interrogate.

xp awards - to be continued...


5/4 session recap and awards

The party was about ready to head into the desert when Rhin received a sigil message from Siala (cee-ah-la) saying she was at the desert teleportation circle waiting to join them. Rhin and Rockaneeshoo teleported without mishap to the circle, and proceeded to question the poor pixie a little. They also fired a magic missile into her, just to make sure that she was a real minion.

She said that Zana, Jiyoomenath's spy master, had sent her. Apparently Zana thinks that Jiyoomenath is acting somewhat oddly since his return. Also, Calathinius was given a full pardon and was now out on his own. No one knows where he is at the moment.

Continuing with their current mission, the party decided to track the next northward-bound orc patrol in order to find out what's so interesting to the orcs up there. They endured a hot day in the scorching desert by using the extradimensional rug as a lean-to tent, and Rhin buried himself in sand. The heat was still intense, so Enli called upon Ibenaikad to gift them with drizzling rain. Eventually, during the night, they party spotted an orc band heading north. They followed about a mile or so behind for the rest of the night, making about 10 miles progress northward.

Along about daybreak, the orcs seemed to have stopped to camp. Siala scouted ahead, flying high and invisibly. The camp seemed composed of about a dozen orcs, including at least one caster. They were all lounging, and no one seemed to be on watch. As she flew over the camp, however, some sort of spell shot up from below, barely missing her. She dodged two lightning bolts as well, and fled. The rest of the party was alerted by the faint crack of thunder, and jumped up to attack the camp.

As the party slowly approached, one orc looked up and smiled, beckoning them closer. Rather than fall for the same ruse twice, the party charged into combat. Rockaneeshoo conjured up an earth elemental, but it was intercepted by another sand elemental. It was hard for the party to engage their foes initially, for the entire camp seemed to be an illusion. Davinov bellowed for someone to dispel the illusion, which Rockaneeshoo obliged him by doing. The fight lasted longer than it might have otherwise, but once the three casters had been slain, the rest was mop-up work.

After the fight, Rhin mentioned that they might as well just fly northwards, since they were a good 290 miles south from where he saw the first orc party. It was deduced that following new packs of orcs would take weeks of overland travel in a hot desert, which no one really wanted to do.

For a good session of roleplaying and teamwork, everyone gets 1500 xp.