
3/16 session awards and recap

After training for 2 weeks, Urgmob and Davinov were still out hunting in the woods. Enli was walking the streets and playing his harp when he noticed a scuffle between two hobgoblins. One of them took off with a bag of what appeared to be loot. Enli followed him out of town, and stopped in the woods to call for backup. Rockaneeshoo, Rhin, and Hrir all decided to come take a look, while Inky flew ahead to see what where the guy was going. Inky came back and said that the hobgoblin seemed to drop the bag in a small clearing in the woods. Rockaneeshoo flew down to the clearing and was struck by a green beam that disintegrated part of his leg! There was a beholder in the trees! Rock hid and sent a message to his companions, whereupon they started running towards the conlfict. The one beholder seemed to be saying something to another beholder somewhere else in the cover of the trees. The overlapping anti-magic fields allowed them a few volleys of eye rays, but once the entire party was together, they waited for the brief moment of non-anti-magic as the beholders fired their rays. They were able to bring one down in this manner, setting a tree ablaze in the process. The other fled, keeping it's eye trained on as much of the party as possible. Enli flew out of the cone of anitmagic and was turned to stone. Rockaneeshoo barely saved him with a featherfall spell, and then used a wish to turn him back to flesh. Hrir slowed it's retreat with a blade barrier. Rhin made a flanking maneuver, and got turned to stone as well. Rockaneeshoo had by this time summoned an air elemental however, and the beholder was besieged on all sides. As the antimagic cone spun wildly around, enough attacks made it through to weaken it. Enli, recovered, hit a glancing blow with a sling stone. Then the air elemental dashed it eye-first onto a pointy branch, thus ending it's life. Inky feasted on the many eyes and was happy.

The party returned to the village the next day to find an execution ceremony happening. Six hobgoblins had stolen loot from their neighbors, and two had died fighting off Keggrok's guards. The other four were bound and awaiting Keggrok's falchion. Rhin had a word with Keggrok, and convinced him that some of them might have been magically coerced. Rhin questioned all four, in turn killing two of them with a mere touch, paralyzing one with a touch, and demanding that the remaining one become his slave. The paralyzed one was hung up on a pole to wither and die slowly. The treasure that was stolen was returned.

For the session, everyone present receives 1500xp.

That brings the totals to :
Urgmob : 113,010
Rhin : 102,310
Rock : 135,986 (after two limited wishes are factored in)
Enli : 136,215 (up to 17th level!)
Hrir : 102,257

I know that Rock is only 14xp away from 17th too, but Greg has complained about being the highest level character, so I figure one session of beinglower than Enli will be sufficient to make him change his mind. Heh.

-- Mike

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