
Sessions through 10/19, 2005

The last few months of realtime have been somewhat unproductive in terms of game activity, but there are a few things our intrepid heroes have done lately.

Ooglock the orc barbarian minion wandered into town after a several month hiatus from Jiyoomenath's tower. Hearing reports of a goblin army massing to the south, and being ordered to help by Chieftain Keggrok Half-ear, the party flew south and encountered some goblin scouts. After defeating them and capturing one named Finlix, they used their captive to sneak them into the goblin war camp. Successfully inside, the party attacked the goblin leaders, including a few with strange armor. Once the command structure was eliminated, the party mopped up about 300 goblins before both sides retreated. On the way home, the party encountered the southbound hobgoblin army. Rather than turn back, Keggrok ordered his clans forward in the name of Tulgus, Granter of Strength. The party sat back in town, kicking their heels, while they waited for Keggrok to draw within striking distance of Yog Sholtops. They employed Finlix to work with Enli in the bar as an intelligence agent, and found out that the reason the goblins had attacked was because Urgmob had killed the goblin envoy several months ago as a warning.

Keggrok reported in when he was about a day away from the goblin city, and the party flew in to help. They were too late. The ragged remains of Keggrok's army (about 700 out of 2000 originally) limped back north bearing a dying Keggrok on a stretcher. The party healed him, and he admitted that Tulgus was ashamed of him, and that the hobgoblins must become stronger before attempting such an attack again.

Back in town, the orc captain was drinking away his sorrows. The party hadn't helped him in months with the overthrowing of the orc nobility in Mugron, and he despaired of ever being able to accomplish his coup. When the party went to open their rug of holding to bring out Bob the orc, they realized that they had left him in there without food for more than a month. The rotted remains of Bob and his excrement had soiled anything kept in there.

The party sent the orc captain back to Mugron to scope out the situation. He reported that the nobility had already formed ranks around a new leader, but that there was something odd, a division among the nobility that was causing a minor amount of tension in town. The party decided that their next move was to clear that city and loot it.

Everyone gets 3000 xp for the past few mini-sessions.

Urgmob : 140,360 (17th)
Rhin : 129,560 (16th)
Rockaneeshoo : 155,568 (up to 18th)
Oooglock : 113,500 (15th)
Siala : 113,800 (15th)
Hrir : 129,417 (16th)