
4/21 session recap and awards

After stripping the bodies of the dead orcs, the party was confronted by the sand elemental. It pulled itself from the ground towards Rockaneeshoo, who flew into the air quickly to escape it's stony grasp. It grumbled in terran, "I would speak to him who freed me." Rockaneeshoo landed and the elemental offered it's thanks. Enli attempted to turn the creature, but it made it's save, and Rockaneeshoo simply declined any further favors from the elemental and sent it home.

Enli and Urgmob disguised themselves as orcs and went with Davinov to infiltrate the city and gain information about the Habergeon of Conquering Might. They paid 5 gold pieces each to get into the city, and Enli's fake name (Scrog Stonefist) was laughed at by the toll collector. Once inside, they sought a drinking establishment. They paid 2 copper each for a leather mug of beer with a relatively high urine content. Enli then started up a conversation with some orcs in the bar, which ended up with him unintentionally insulting someone's clan. After being punched in the nose, Enli and crew left to the jeering of the crowd.

They discovered that if you were clanless in the town, the only place for you was as a grunt in the army. They went to the barracks and signed up. They had to pay 100 gold for their standard issue armor and shield (and would have had to pay more for a weapon, if they hadn't had theirs) and were told that the cost would be taken automatically from their wages of 5 silver a week. In return they'd be given a place to sleep and something to eat each day. Not to mention they'd get to fight for the glory of Lumat, the god of War. They had to pay 5 copper for a scribe to write down their names, and Enli was laughed at again. In the barracks they overheard that the devils from the past war were the reason this city was so prosperous.

Eventually they were assigned to a platoon of newbies, and sent on a daytime (anathema to orcs) patrol into the desert. After being informed of this, the rest of the party arranged to intercept them and send summoned creatures after the patrol. Two djinnis were summoned, and they killed two orcs before being dispatched. A roc was summoned to pick up a single orc and drop him back with the rest of the party. Two orcs died during the hot march in the sun, but Urgmob picked up their rations and water on the way.

Rhin paralyzed the captured orc, and Inky had a feast of one of his eyeballs. They healed it up, just to stop the bleeding, and then interrogated him. They found out most of what the infiltrators had already discovered, and so Rockaneeshoo summoned his mansion again, and let the orc have a good time with the servants.

When the three infiltrators returned to town, they were put together with other survivors to form a real platoon, complete with two spellcasters. They found out that the orc leaders lived in one section of town, and Urgmob scouted that section briefly while invisible. they also heard rumors that some of the high-powered platoons had left the city to head north, and that whatever was up there must have been an attractive prospect and/or sanctioned by the city leadership.

When the infiltrators went on their next patrol, Hrir was standing in their way out in the desert, and a combat ensued. Hrir took some spell damage early on, and then the party destroyed the newbie orc platoon quickly.

For two adventures of good roleplaying and a little bit of combat, each player gets 1,500 xp.


4/13 session recap

The party finished making its magic items, including Five Good Reasons and Enli's Cauldron of Culinary Catharsis (aka magic pot). Rockaneeshoo cranked out a couple of pairs of goggles too. Urgmob hired the local brewer and his cousin to run his bar while he's away. Cousin Skorvalk haggled for 18% of the profits and got it.

Finally, the party got underway, and teleported to the desert. They marched for about 5 hours through blistering heat, driven sand, and chafing armor. A Sandstorm came up, and Rockaneeshoo conjured himself a phantom steed to carry him above the storm. Enli called upon the power of knowledge to divert the winds and create a pocket of calm amidst the raging winds. This lasted for about two hours, then the winds came back. The party eventually consented to accepting a Wind Walk from Rhin, and they flew above the streaming sand for another two hours.

The sandstorm let up around nightfall, and it was at this point that someone mentioned that the party had seriously overshot the last known position of the desert patrol. Undaunted, the party flew on into the night until the desert city became visible. The party landed and Rockaneeshoo conjured a door leading into a magnificent mansion. Enli created a feast for everyone, and Rockaneeshoo introduced their "servants", including a vampiress, an odd dragon/elf/dwarf with four arms , a shaved hobgoblin female, and a mandril (the ape). After an all-day rest, the party packed up and started marching again.

A few hours into the trip, Urgmob spotted some movement ahead. Much later, he saw that it was a patrol of orcs. The party made a campfire and waited for them. Hrir, Rockaneeshoo, and Davinov were under the cover of an invisbility spell. Urgmob was on top of a nearby rock, also invisible. Rhin and Enli were the only ones visible as the orcs approached in a spread out and enveloping formation. As they drew close, Hrir shouted out to Tulgus to give him strength, and there was a sound of a hammer striking metal. This prompted the rearmost orcs to quickly cast defensive spells. The situation immediately devolved into combat.

Rockaneeshoo teleported himself and Davinov directly behind the non-armored spellcaster. Orcs immediately converged upon them, and the caster tried to turn Rockaneeshoo to stone. Davinov slew the caster in one round while the rest of the party started dealing damage to the other orcs. Rockaneeshoo dropped an Acid Fog on the orcs surrounding him and Davniov, and then re-positioned behind the armored caster. The caster caused Davinov's sword to fall from his grasp, and Rock was suddenly siezed from behind by strong arms of rock and sand. A huge earth elemental had partially emerged in order to grapple him. Rock teleported away to help with the portion of the battle closer to the campfire. Meanwhile Urgmob was dropping lethal shafts from his bow into the orcs. One climbed up to confront him, but he threw the bands of Bilarro at him, immobilizing the would-be attacker. Rhin was involved in a lengthy grappling battle with an orc while Enli fought another. Hrir buffed himself for a few rounds, and then commenced pounding on the hapless orcs. Enli conjured an earth elemental, which then smashed the orc attacking him.

Eventually, all of the orcs were slain or routed, but the sand elemental had traveled underground to pursue Rockaneeshoo and grapple him again. Using his last teleport, Rock escaped and slew the fleeing orcs with a few well-placed fireballs. Enli ordered his earth elemental to pursue the other elemental.

(to be continued...)

4/6 session recap and xp awards

Pelema stepped through the teleport circle into Oriv, and found the party. She said that Jiyoomenath was returned, though he seemed tired from his journey. He had told her to relay his orders, that the party was to continue to find the artifacts, and to then bring them and the wheel to him. He withdrew all other minions to the safety of Pelema's secret stronghold. He also send Pelema to retrieve Calathinius from the party's care.

Rockaneeshoo balked at this, asking how they could trust it was Jiyoomenath and not an imposter? Why hadn't he used the sigils to issue his orders? Pelema said that he seemed concerned that his enemies had figured out a way to listen in on the sigil communications. Rockaneeshoo initially refused to give up Calathinius, but Pelema said that since she had been given a direct order, she didn't intend to disobey it. She seemed prepared to stay around as long as it took to get Calathinius.

Enli asked Ibenaikad if Pelema was really who she seemed to be, and could she be trusted. The answer was yes. Rhin was brought into the conversation, and he suggested that they merely ask Calathinius if he would consent to going back with her. Everyone seemed to be in agreement with this plan, so they unearthed Calathinius from under the temple, and woke him from his stasis. He agreed to go back with Pelema.

Pelema also gave some basic information about the remaining four artifacts. Sky Singer was last reported to be in the keeping of Cloud and Storm giants in a flying castle or city. It's location was not known, however. The Habergeon of Conquering Might (aka devil armor) was supposedly a gift from the devil armies to their orc minions back during the war. Those orcs inhabit the deserts and dry hills of the far east. The Heart of Fire was reportedly thrown into a volcano to destroy it's evil, but those legends seem too simplistic. Even if they were true, there are several volcanoes that it could have been thrown into. The Ring of Infinite Images that they had aquired turned out to be one of many (but not infinite) copies, and not the real thing. The real one is probably somewhere in the Heartlands, the human kingdom in the center of the continent. Sir Dominic (the lycanthrope) has been there acting as a negotiator for a border dispute, and eventually he will be imbedded far enough into the kingdom to provide more information on the whereabouts of the ring.

Rhin and Urgmob decided to scout while the others made magic items. Rhin cast wind walk on both of them, but Rhin took the teleport circle to the far desert, and Urgmob headed north to search for sky castles.

Urgmob's adventure lasted a day, and as the sun started to set, he flew south again. He had somehow lost his way, however, and landed in the woods about a day east of Oriv. He camped and trekked his way back, however, with the help of his magical dog, Tybalt.

Rhin found what appeared to be a small band of orcs in the desert, and tracks that led towards the south. Following the tracks a few hundred miles south, Rhin came across a stone fortress and city amidst a dry rocky area. He used Word of Recall to return to Oriv.

Since the others were still making items, only Rhin, Urgmob, and Davinov ventured forth to deal with the band of desert orcs. They found what appeared to be a group of 3 orcs around a campfire in the early morning, out in the desert. They flew down, and the orc didn't seem too terribly upset. He motioned for them to come closer, and with Davinov translating, told them to put their gear over next to the fire. The orc smiled as he said this. The request was repeated again, and the party started to shuffle a bit. Then suddenly the illusion dropped, and the party was surrounded by about 10 orcs and a huge sand elemental.

Rhin made as if he was going to touch the orc who had spoken, and was immediately attacked by three spell casters from the back of the orc group, as well as by at least three nearby orc warriors. Rhin touched his target, paralyzing him. The elemental grappled Urgmob and pinned him easily. Davinov stepped up to engage the orcs, and Rhin was again subjected to a round of incoming spells, including Flesh to Stone, Slay Living, and Blindness. Realizing that the party was somewhat outnumbered and outgunned, Rhin touched his two companions and used Word of Recall to escape. They regrouped and decided to come up with a different plan.

At the end, Enli prayed to Ibenaikad, asking who the closest person was that could direct them to the flying castle and the storm giants....

Everyone gets 1000xp for general roleplaying. I think Enli and Rock spent some xp on items, but that has not been factored in. Without any item expenditures, the totals are :
Urgmob : 15,710 (15th)
Rhin : 105,010 (15th)
Rockaneeshoo : 136,986 (17th)
Enli : 138,615 (17th)
Minebeard : 104,957 (14th)


3/30 session recap and awards (for real)

The party was under siege by an enraged green dragon that was periodically wiping out patrols of hobgoblins on the edge of Oriv. On the last of these attacks, the dragon demanded that a pile of loot be brought to a clearing 3 miles to the east at noon the following day, or else he'd destroy the entire town and everyone in it.

The party complied, digging up a bunch of copper from their storage under the pan-deific temple. Urgmob purchased burlap sacks for a gold piece, and a cart for five pieces. Then Urgmob selected wands from his stash, and handed them over to Rhin, who memorized which ones they were so he could scry upon them later.

The party ate their Hero's Feast in the morning, and told their two best "elite" hobgoblins (the ones with Gith swords and armor) to pull the cart for them. They trekked two hours into the woods to the designated clearing, and unloaded the bags of loot so that they were scattered in odd places. The guards were told to wait back in the cover of the trees with the wagon. The party thought they had laid a good ambush for the dragon.

15 minutes before noon, Enli took the time to ask for guidance from Ibenaikad. He asked if the dragon was really tricking them, and would the dragon really just try to sack the town while they were distracted out in the woods. Ibenaikad said, "Your wisdom serves you well."

Rhin contacted Allison through the armband, and told her to contact them as soon as a dragon showed up. About 2 minutes later she frantically called for help, saying that the dragon had landed on the roof of the library and was breaking through it. Rhin gathered everyone together and did his Word of Recall to just outside the temple. Sure enough, the dragon was there. Upon seeing the party he said, "I didn't expect to see you so soon!"

Enli buffed the entire party with a Holy Aura, and Hrir had already protected everyone from acid. Urgmob hid behind a building, and Rhin ran into the open like a scared bird. The dragon pounced down beside Hrir and picked him up. Hrir's arms were pinned to his side, and he was unable to do anything. Rhin dropped a Flamestrike on the back of the dragon, hurting it some. Davinov attacked and was able to land a few good blows on the dragon. Enli cast Destruction at it (no, for real! I mean it this time!) and it made it's save. Scales and skin sloughed off, but the dragon still lived. It took to the sky, Hrir clutched in it's claw. Urgmob stepped out and unleashed some arrows at it, including a Ghoul Touch arrow that did nothing to it. Davinov dropped his sword, pulled out Urgmob's old bow, and missed his shot entirely, breaking the fletching off the arrow in the process. Enli dropped a Flamestrike on it too, hitting Hrir in the process. It's possible that at least one other spell was unleashed at it too. The dragon, having attained at height of 200 feet, dropped Hrir, hoping to dash him senseless upon the ground. But the GM forgot that the first round of falling was only 150 feet, and Hrir was able to concentrate enough to cast an Air Walk spell before he hit the ground. Urgmob launched three more arrows, and connected with all of them. One was a critical, and the dragon fell spinning wildly to it's death in the forest on the outskirts of town.

The party laid claim to the corpse, and it was determined that Rhin was indeed capable of animating the dragon if he so desired. The party talked about making it an animated mascot for their new bar, and several names were discussed, though no conclusion was made. Urgmob was named Dragonkiller by Keggrok Half-ear, and the entire party was thanked.

The party then tracked down the dragon's lair (through an oddly lucid divination) and found a somewhat disappointing hoard. A few thousand gold pieces, several pieces of art and jewelry, and a few magic items were all that they found in a cave 17 miles to the west-northwest of Oriv. It wasn't a bad hoard, but it wasn't enough to swim in, as Hrir had hoped. Enli performed a Legend Lore upon the corpse and after 40 minutes of concentration said, "Lurvolloc the Green terrorized the lands at the base of the dragonspine mountains these 200 years past." The snippet of prose seems itself to have been at least a hundred years old.

The party receives 1450 xp total (Rhin, Urgmob, Hrir, and Enli). This doesn't put anyone up a level.


3/30 session recap and awards (sorta)

(from the players' retelling of the events)
The party was under siege by an enraged green dragon that was periodically wiping out patrols of hobgoblins on the edge of Oriv. On the last of these attacks, the dragon demanded that a pile of loot be brought to a clearing 3 miles to the east at noon the following day, or else he'd destroy the entire town and everyone in it.

Enli was the first to figure it out. Ibenaikad spoke to him unbidden, saying "Lo, the dragon seeks to trick thee, and thou shouldst lay an ambush for him here in town." So rather than packing up tons of cash and spare magic items into makeshift sacks, and hauling the loot out to the designated spot, the party instead prepared a surprise for their enemy.

Noon came, and all was ready. As Enli had predicted, the dragon swooped down into the town, believing that the party would be gullible enough to fall for it's simple trick. It landed on the roof of the library once again and started smashing in the third floor. Allison screamed in fear, but the party held itself in readiness, lulling the dragon into thinking it was succeeding. Then suddenly they sprang into action!

Enli buffed the entire party with a Holy Aura, and Hrir protected everyone from acid. Rhin drew the dragon's attention for two full rounds by firing scorching beams of light at it while taunting it in the open. The dragon, befuddled and in pain, swooped down only to have Rhin nimbly step out of its way. At this point, Hrir leaped from the ground onto the dragon's back and started hewing away with his axe at the scales and sinews of the neck. Startled and in fear for its life, it took to the skies, with Hrir still clinging on. Urgmob stepped from invisbility and poured an unending rain of arrows at the scaly belly of the rising dragon. Most of the arrows struck true, but it wasn't enough to get through the thick armor. Enli solved this problem by pointing a Destruction spell at the dragon. Scales and skin withered and fell off, revealing the a soft, defenseless target. Urgmob's very next arrow went true. It blew clean through the dragon, rupturing it's heart and exploding out the back, narrowly missing Hrir and covering him with dragon blood. As the dragon fell from the sky, Hrir drove his axed deep into the back of the dragon's skull, and used it as a joystick to fly the dragon down. The dragon crashed headfirst into a stone wall on the outskirts of Oriv, and Hrir somersaulted effortlessly over it to land in a crouch on the far side.

Deciding that this was an excellent spot to build their bar, the party reconstructed the building around the dragon head, and Rhin animated the dragon enough for it to become the inn's mascot. Urgmob was named Urgmob Dragonkiller by Chief Keggrok Half-ear, and the rest of the party granted chieftain status. Nubile virgins of appropriate racial preference appeared as if by magic, and a party of legendary size commenced.

The party then tracked down the dragon's lair and found over 2 million platinum pieces, several vorpal weapons, and two of the artifacts that Jiyoomenath has been looking for.

Everyone in the party expects to get 14,275 xp from this encounter.